A Response to "To Avoid Another Conflict in the Horn of Africa, Now is the Time to Act" by Former Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome Wirtu on Al Jazeera By: Yemane Abselom (wedi abselom) February 18, 2025 For decades, global news reporting has been dominated by Western media outlets such as the BBC (British), VOA (American), and DW (German). While these outlets claim to uphold principles of free and independent journalism, their coverage often aligns with Western political and economic agendas. When Al Jazeera emerged, there was hope that it would provide an alternative voice—one that would prioritize the interests of the Middle East and the Global South. Its early reporting on Iraq and Afghanistan, which exposed Western propaganda and war crimes, won it widespread respect. However, telling the truth comes at a cost, and it appears that those financing Al Jazeera were unwilling to continue paying that price. Over time, its editorial stance has drifted closer to that of Wester...
Since its initiation in 2010, the Asmara Mining Conference has been playing its modest role in broadening the knowledge and understanding of the recent developments in the mineral industry of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in general and the Eritrean mining industry in particular. The Eritrean Government recognizes that the mining industry can be one of the fundamental building blocks in the construction of a 'sustainable national economy'. ERITREA MINING JOURNAL: Asmara Mining Conference 2014