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Showing posts from February, 2012

Are members of Anonymous an unwitting tool of the Ethiopian government's campaign against Eritrea?

The history of injustice by successive Ethiopian rulers against the people of Eritrea are too numerous to list here.  In the interest of time, allow me to focus on recent attempts by the government of Ethiopia to muzzle the people and government of Eritrea. In 1998, the government of Ethiopia lied to its people and the international community when it claimed Eritrea invaded Badme, a territory it falsely claimed as Ethiopian.  Soon after, Ethiopia declared war on Eritrea. After much blood was shed on both sides, the government of Ethiopia was forced to take the matter to an international arbitration court in The Hague.    The ruling of the court was agreed to be final and binding by both parties and was witnessed and guaranteed by the United States, the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union.   The court ruled that Badme, the flashpoint of the war, was a sovereign Eritrean territory and had been so for over 100 years. However, the gov...