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Showing posts from May, 2015

ERITREA MINING JOURNAL: Asmara Mining Conference 2014

Since its initiation in 2010, the Asmara Mining Conference has been playing its modest role in broadening the knowledge and understanding of the recent developments in the mineral industry of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in general and the Eritrean mining industry in particular. The Eritrean Government recognizes that the mining industry can be one of the fundamental building blocks in the construction of a 'sustainable national economy'. ERITREA MINING JOURNAL: Asmara Mining Conference 2014

ERITREA - "The Other Narrative"

"ERITREA - "The Other Narrative" is a 25 minutes documentary brought to you by African Strategies an independent think thank organisation based in Asmara Eritrea. The documentary is intendend to show the facts on the ground, with footage and editing of high standard quality of TV Broadcast. It consists interview conduct with professionals across multi sectors on Eritrea's national service program that have been serving the country and also with experts across various fields and sectors. It depicts the life of Eritrea's youth in national service, how they view it and one to one interview that demonstrates nothing less than thought leadership. Eritrea is currently one of the African country that has achieved all three health Millennium Development Goals as of end of 2013 with data that is validated and verified by United Nations Agencies. In the documentary the efforts made for education, health, mining and other infrastructure projects, with its main focus on...