The following video is from 2007 -- 5 years after the Algeries Agreement. It is astounding that nothing has changed 5 years later (10 years after the agreement was signed). --- Youtube description of video follows -- The Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi & TPLF refuses to accept the UN sponsored Hague verdict - the FINAL and BINDING Algiers agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia. And now are in the process to invade Eritrea under a false pretext. In this video clip: After having announced full acceptance of the verdict, and for a little while danced with joy in the streets of Addis, with their Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin holding a press conference to tell the world that "the decision was fair and legal -- that sanity had won over insanity, and that the rule of law had prevailed over the rule of the jungle" they called upon the international community to obligate Eritrea to accept the decision as final and binding and further called upon the commiss...